Yep, hello again folks. It's about that time again where the Emery's put pen to paper (well...of sorts??!) and update you on what has been going on.
We visited a ribfest last Saturday August 23rd (yep, you read right...a ribfest!!) in a place called Guelph, which is about 30 minutes from here. Basically, it is just an excuse for the top ribbers (that is what they are called...don't laugh, this is serious business!) sell their wares to the public at one big event. Of course Brian was at the front of the line!
Anyway, it was not just about food, there was a car show as well as several bands playing on stage, it was a funway to spend an afternoon just chilling out, having some ribs and shooting the breeze with some friends.....
Some pictures we took are below:
Above Elaine is standing by a car with no less than 12 tv screens fitted, 3 on the front grill!!!
Below is our friend Sam, enjoying a beef rib...or 3....
Guess what Elaine is drinking???
More friends...Bob, Sam and some guy called......
So all in all....good weather, good company, and good FFFFFFOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!!